
Cuerpo de Profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria Inglés. Programación Didáctica

  • Ed. MAD
  • Ed. MAD
  • ()
  • 254 páginas;
  • ISBN-13: 9788414218372
Cómpralo ahora con Gastos de envío GratisComprar Cuerpo de Profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria Inglés. Programación Didáctica

This updated version incorporates changes to reflect current times and comply with the LOMCE. Although we do not know how long it will be in force, the contents of the syllabus are and will be very much the same. The explanation is simple. First, this book is, to a great extent, based on the Common European Framework of Reference. Secondly, the legislation may change in terms of how the Education System is organised, but the contents of what we teach are, essentially, the same.

The book has been divided into five parts:

- Part I: The Foundations includes key considerations to bear in mind when designing the Syllabus for English.

- Part II: Practical Guidelines shows candidates what to include when planning their syllabus.

- Part III: A sample. The Syllabus Design for 1st CSE/ESO we include here is just an example for a specific area, a specific school and a specific class.

- Part IV: The Oral Presentation provides tips on how to approach the oral presentation and the Didactic Unit, for the exam and for your classes, if you need it.

- Part V: Current Legislation includes a list of the current Curricular legislation for each Autonomous Region in Spain and an English version of the key elements from LOE, LOMCE, RD 1105/2014 and ECD/65/2015.

Part I: The Foundations

Part II: Practical guidelines

Part III: A Sample

Part IV: The oral presentation

Part V: Current Legislation

Basic Framework to design your Course Syllabus


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